The Team is a nonpartisan organization that creates award-winning programming focused on integrating civic engagement into college athletics. We develop teammates, inspire leaders, and empower citizens.
Your tax-deductible donation will help us further our reach and expand our impact on athletes, coaches, and administrators across the country.
Learn more about how to become a Founding Team Member and our unique benefit program:
Scroll down to our FAQs to explore other ways to donate, including by check and ACH transfer.
Please fill out this form first, and then all check donations can be sent to:
Amalgamated Charitable Foundation
1825 K St. NW Washington, DC 20006
IMPORTANT: Please note THE TEAM in the memo or special instructions line.
Please fill out this form first, and then use the following instructions:
IMPORTANT: Please note THE TEAM in the memo or special instructions line.
Please fill out this form first, and then use the following brokerage instructions:
Pershing, LLC DTC #0443
IMPORTANT: Please note THE TEAM in the memo or special instructions line.
Please fill out this form first, and then use the following information:
Amalgamated Foundation’s EIN is: 82-1517696
Mailing address:
Amalgamated Charitable Foundation
1825 K St. NW Washington, DC 20006
IMPORTANT: Please note THE TEAM in the memo or special instructions line.
Do you have more questions about The Team? Are you looking to be a more involved funder in our organization? We would love to connect with you. Fill out this form and we will get back to you to set up a meeting.
The Team is administered by the Amalgamated Foundation, an independent nonprofit public charity. In addition to administering Fiscally Sponsored Funds like The Team, the Foundation also offers Advance Change Funds, donor advised funds uniquely committed to social change. Reflecting their shared commitment to positive social change, Amalgamated Foundation receives charitable contributions from and maintains service agreements with Amalgamated Bank but is not a program or activity of Amalgamated Bank. For more information go to
Variance power:
All gifts and grants to projects are subject to the Amalgamated Foundation’s authority to vary the terms of the gift. As stated in Article III, Section 1 (B) (4) of the Bylaws, the Foundation adheres to Treasury Regulation 1.170A-9(e)(11)(v)(B)(1), commonly known as Variance Power. This allows the Foundation to “modify any restriction or condition on the distribution of funds for any specified charitable purposes or to specified charitable purposes or to specified agencies if, in the sole judgment of the governing body (without the necessity of the approval of any participating trustee, custodian, or agent), such restriction or condition becomes, in effect, unnecessary, incapable of fulfillment, or inconsistent with the charitable needs of the community or area served.”