Time commitment: 5min - 30min

September 21, 2023
Students Learn Students Vote (SLSV) is the largest nonpartisan student voter network. Use their Student Leader starter pack to get some ideas on how to be a civic leader on your campus.
September 21, 2023
Ever wonder what all of the different acronyms and shorthands in the nonpartisan student democratic engagement space stand for? Check out this guide for answers.
September 7, 2023
June 23, 2022 was the 50th anniversary of Title IX, the civic rights landmark legislation that changed the trajectory of women's sports. Ask your team, as Sports Illustrated does in their cover story, what does Title IX mean to you? What access do you need to play your sport? What rights are being threatened that would compromise your ability to play and thrive? What can you do to make your voice and needs known?
September 7, 2023
Tufts University’s CIRCLE's National Study of Learning, Voting and Engagement (NSLVE) tracks voter registration and voting rates on your campus or geographic area! Assign players to take a look at the data and present at “stats report” on your school to see how you can make the biggest difference. It also tracks the highest areas of impact for the youth vote in 2022. Consider turning it into a contest with other neighboring schools to see if you can generate a bump in positive engagement rates!

Time commitment: 30min - 2hours

September 11, 2023
Olympic athletes widening conversations about access mental health support
September 7, 2023
WNBA and NBA’s push to use their arenas for safe voting
September 7, 2023
U.S. Women’s Soccer Team's campaign for equal pay,
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