Time commitment: 5min - 30min

September 21, 2023
Election Day is coming up and all NCAA teams have the day off from practice or play due to All Vote No Play legislation. Don’t waste all the hard work you have put in already - plan an All Vote No Play Day event with your team - try the guide below to start, and join our Engaged Athlete Network for support from The Team!
September 21, 2023
Athlete voices are some of the most influential on campus. Feel Good Action harnesses the power of micro-influencers on social media to turn Viewers into Voters. Contact them to help you create a powerful social media campaign using your voice to inspire impact and action!
September 21, 2023
Explore the When We All Vote advocacy campaigns which take on issues related to voter rights and strengthening our democracy. Check out the issues outlined and discuss with your team if there is something you could do to get involved.
September 21, 2023
Voter laws have been in massive flux in the last few years. Take some time to review the specific guidelines and key dates of your state through AllIN Campus Democracy Challenge's AllIN to Vote resource guide.
September 21, 2023
Voting rights, especially for Black and young voters, are under attack. When We All Vote is launching the VOTE LOUD HBCU Squad Challenge to empower HBCU students through grants and support to take a leading role in voter registration, education, and mobilization.
September 21, 2023
Every state has different voter ID laws. And with all the new voter law changes, this matters more than ever. VoteRiders is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that provides detailed voter ID assistance so that every American can cast a ballot that counts. Check out their state by state map, their guide for first time voters, or direct chat line to help players have what they need in time to vote.
September 21, 2023
We don't show up for games without a plan to win. The same is true for voting. Are you going to vote in person on Election Day? Early? By Mail? Before November, take some time to figure out what your game plan is to make your voice and vote count!
September 21, 2023
It can be hard for students to know if, where and when they've registered to vote. Vote.org is the largest, nonpartisan online digital platform to check the status of their voter registration. From there, a player can make informed choices about how to get current and ready for the upcoming election.
September 21, 2023
The first step in any action is to make the commitment to get involved. Sign the AllIN Campus Democracy Challenge Coaches Commitment form to join a growing list of campuses, coaches, teams, and programs that are putting their collective muscle behind Democracy.

Time commitment: 30min - 2hours

September 21, 2023
Curious about what’s on the ballot or the local candidates running in your area? Check out My Vote Project to see when there’s a vote happening in your community. Find out who is running in your elections and what they stand for. Bring it up in your team to find out how to engage with candidates or causes you care about.
September 21, 2023
Already done with your voting, but want to show your support for others? Consider helping the Pizza to the Polls effort to make voting fun and a joyful community experience!

Time commitment: 2+ hours

September 21, 2023
Make in person voting a team activity! Start off with a team breakfast or gathering and then go to the polls to make your voice heard!.
September 21, 2023
Visit a school on #AllVoteNoPlay day. It could be one you already have a relationship with or a new school. Help your athletes work with the school administrators and teachers to figure out the best way to leverage their civic influence and impact on the students.
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